Finally, we are back! We missed our strips so much during this period, what about you?
Well, you know, a honeymoon is a honeymoon and our tiny Doctors had to face a great challenge during our absence, but you will see this in a couple of future strips. Now it's time to properly celebrate the Comic Who Contest winner.
Simon Burnell recently received our precious gift and now it's time to read his strip!
Let us know what do you think! [...]
View the full image on ComicWho.com
Published on Mon, 21 May 2012 08:00:00
Well, you know, a honeymoon is a honeymoon and our tiny Doctors had to face a great challenge during our absence, but you will see this in a couple of future strips. Now it's time to properly celebrate the Comic Who Contest winner.
Simon Burnell recently received our precious gift and now it's time to read his strip!
Let us know what do you think! [...]
View the full image on ComicWho.com
Published on Mon, 21 May 2012 08:00:00
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